
Create Vocals

How To Create AI Voice For Presidents For Free

man singing into mic
man singing into mic
man singing into mic

August 23rd, 2023

Arib Khan

In this guide, you're going to learn how you can create AI voices of ANY president of your choice in under 3 minutes.

Want to sound philosophical Like Barack Obama or chilled and relaxed like the great Abraham Lincoln, this guide is for you.

Let's get started.

Musicfy : Your Music AI Assistant

The AI tool we'll be using is Musicfy

Musicfy is your AI co-pilot for musical enthusiasts. It hosts a plethora of features that can take your music game to the next level.

These features include separating vocals from songs, instrumentals, stems, or bass from tracks.

Create an Account

From the homepage, create an account (it's easy to create). Or if you don't like the hassle, you can access Musicfy without any signup or credit card requirement.

But our recommendation is that you sign up so you can access your AI voice whenever you want, for life!

After creating an account (we're assuming you've created one), go to your dashboard.

From your dashboard, click on "My Voices".

This is where you can create a number of different voices for different personalities and in this case, for presidents.

How To Create President Voices

Step 1: You Need a Voice To Be Modeled

This is where you find the president you want to create his AI voice.

You can choose any president of your choice.

This is where you find a good speech that this president has done before.

For example, let's say you want an AI voice of Abraham Lincoln, you can select his famous 1854 speech as the vocal that Musicfy would train to create an AI voice.

Also, make sure the voice has a transparent background.

(Just make sure the president's voice is more transparent and audible than the background noises). 

After choosing the president's speech you want, download the voice and get started with the creation.

You can simply search on YouTube for one of the president's speeches and then download it.

Sites like Y2mate make it easier to convert YouTube videos to mp3 and save them to your computer.

Right-click on the YouTube video, copy the video link, go-to Y2mate and paste the YouTube link you copied, and hit download.

Now, we're going to show you how to do that in a couple of seconds.

Step 2: Go to your Musicfy dashboard

This is where the creation process begins.

From your Musicfy dashboard (we're assuming you've created an account already), go to the second tab of your sidebar and click on "My Voices".

My Voices

This page houses all the AI voices you've trained and created and you can always find them there.

From your voices page, upload the president voice you've downloaded.

You can do this by clicking on "Select Voice" and select the president voice you've downloaded. 

Now, you want to set how perfectly you want the AI voice to resemble the original voice of the president.

What we mean is; on the "Model quality" tab, there's a slide you can toggle to select the amount of time you want the Musicfy AI to train your selected voice.

For example, a voice trained for 30 minutes would sound similar to the original voice than a voice trained for, let's say 10 minutes.

So, if you're going to be using this voice a couple of times, we suggest you be patient and train your AI voice for about an hour or even max the slide. 

(Don't worry, this can run in the background and you can do whatever you want elsewhere. After All, what's an AI without automation :-)

Start Training Your Voice

After selecting the downloaded audio file of the president and deciding on your model quality, hit the "Start Training" button to get started.

And just like that, you've got your president's AI voice.

Not yet. 

You have to wait till Musicfy trains the voice you uploaded for the time you've selected in "Model quality".

During the wait, you can get back to your chores or explore other Musicfy features like some pre-made AI voices.

And there you have it, a president AI voice.

Bonus Section: Create a Speech with your President's Voice within 3 minutes

After the time you selected in your "model quality" has elapsed, it's time to begin creating your own speech with the president's voice you've created.

And here's how you can do it within 3 minutes.

Step 1: Select the "Create AI Tracks"

This is your homepage. After creating your president AI voice, go to the "Create tab"

There, you can record your voice or a pre-recorded voice you'd like to be read out by the AI voice.

Step 2: Select the president's voice

This is the voice you've just trained. On the right side of the "Create AI Tracks", click the drop-down button and select the president voice you've trained.

Also, you can toggle the pitch however you like. This pitch decides the quality of the output.

For good output, we suggest selecting the highest level of the pitch (but you might need to unlock Musicfy premium to use this).

However, that's not a deal-breaker. Without the premium feature, you can still get great quality with the demo voice.

Step 3: Get that "Remix" button rolling

This is the last step on your radar.

After setting the toggles and selecting your president AI voice, click on “remix” and let Musicfy do its job.

In a couple of minutes (less than 3), your audio will be ready to be downloaded and can be used anywhere.

Over to you

And that's it, you've got how you can create the AI voice of any president of your choice. 

Now, go-to Musicfy and start the mixing.

We're the Musicfy team and our goal is to build the biggest AI Music Co-Pilot in the world through groundbreaking technologies.

Bring back the old president from the dead through our AI music assistant tool and shake the world with your speech.

Arib Khan


Arib Khan, Founder of Musicfy

Arib Khan has been featured on Business Insider, VICE, and more. His passion and drive to help musicians is unbounded. He is on a mission to help anyone, from all walks of life, to create music with ease using AI.

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Use AI to create music with your voice and Leverage the latest in AI technology to supercharge your music.

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with Artifical Intelligence

Use AI to create music with your voice and Leverage the latest in AI technology to supercharge your music.

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